Page 42 - Computer - 5
P. 42

Mind Stretching                                                                            Critical Thinking

           1.   Madhu has created a project report in Word 2019. She wants to print page numbers
               1, 3, and 5 only. Suggest her the option she should specify while printing the pages.

           2.   Rahul  has  prepared  an  article  on  ‘Keep  Our  Surroundings  Clean’  in  Word  2019.
               While reviewing the article, he found that he has misspelt the word ‘surroundings’ as

               ‘suroundings’ at several places. Help him correct his mistake easily.               Computational Skills

              Lab Work

              A.  Create a poster in Word 2019 on ‘Save the Environment’. Format
                  the document using colours and borders. A sample poster is
                  given for your reference.                                Creative Skills

              B.  Create and format the document given below in Word 2019
                  according to the given instructions.                                             Computational Skills

                  (a) Indent the text as shown in the image.
                  (b) Apply Justify alignment to all paragraphs.

                  (c)  Line spacing in each paragraph should be 2 points.
                  (d)  Find and replace the word ‘brain’ with ‘mind’ in
                     the entire document.

                  (e)  The font should be Calibri with size 14 for the
                     text, 16 for headings, and 20 for the document
                     title. Use the colour Green for the title and Dark
                     red for the headings.

                  (f)  Add a background colour of your choice to the
                  (g) Apply a border to the page as shown in the image.

            DISCUSS                                                                                Communication Skills

             Why do we require to format a document in difefrent ways? Dsicuss with your classmates.

           TEACHER’S DESK
           TEACHER’S DESK
            Explain to the students the difference between text alignment and indentation, giving examples
            where each feature is used. Also, give examples from everyday life where applications of the
            formatting features are used.

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