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Post-Processing                 

              Find feature lets you search for text in a document.
              Replace feature lets you search for text in a document and replace it with

                  another text.
              Page margins are the spaces between the edges of a page and the text in a
              Alignment defines the horizontal position of text between the left and right

                  page margins.
              Indentation specifies the setting of text in a line from the page margins.
              Word provides options to change spacing between lines of a paragraph as
                  well as between two paragraphs.
              Columns let you arrange text in vertical sections on a page.

              Word lets you choose between Portrait and Landscape orientation for a page.
              You can specify a background colour for a page and apply borders around it.
              Print option lets you specify options for a document before printing it.

                                                  INFO RETENTION
                                                  INFO RETENTION

          A.    Tick [3]  the correct option.

                 1.  The indentation option that sets the position of all lines in a paragraph, except
                      the first line, from the left page margin is ______.
                           Left indentation                                  Right indentation

                           Hanging indentation                               First Line indentation

                 2.  The feature in Word that allows you to quickly search for a particular word and
                      replace it with another in a document is ______.

                           Find                    Replace                   Change                Search
                 3.  The page orientation that is not available in Word 2019 is ______.

                           Landscape               Portrait                  Official              None of these

                 4.  The blank space between the edge of a page and the text in a document on all
                      four sides is called ______.

                           Page margins            Page spaces               Page gaps             Page waste
                 5.  The default paragraph alignment in Word 2019 is ______.

                           Justify                 Left                      Center                Right

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