Page 42 - English Grammar - 4
P. 42
Superlative Degree
The superla� ve degree is used when more than two nouns are being compared. We
add -est to the posi� ve degrees of most adjec� ves to form superla� ve degrees. A� er
that, we add the for emphasis before the superla� ve degree of the adjec� ve.
Read the following sentences.
Rakesh is the tallest boy in our class. He is the cleverest boy in the class.
In the above sentences, tallest and cleverest are the superla� ve degrees of the
adjec� ves.
We do not use than after the superlative degree of an adjective. We use the before the
superlative degree of an adjective.
Formation of Comparative and Superlative Degrees
Adjectives: Degrees of Comparison
Generally -er is added to form the compara� ve degree and -est is added to form the
superla� ve degree.
Posi� ve Compara� ve (+ er) Superla� ve (+ est)
warm warmer warmest
strong stronger strongest
tall taller tallest
thick thicker thickest
If an adjec� ve ends in -e, -r is added to form the compara� ve degree and -st is
added to form the superla� ve degree.
Posi� ve Compara� ve (+ r) Superla� ve (+ st)
simple simpler simplest
nice nicer nicest
able abler ablest
wise wiser wisest