Page 39 - English Grammar - 4
P. 39

Read the following sentences.

               He bought four balloons.
               How many balloons did he buy?

               (You get the answer: four.)

               A year has twelve months.
               How many months does a year have?

               (You get the answer: twelve.)

               The third child standing in the row is Mohit.
               At what posi� on is Mohit standing?

               (You get the answer: third.)

            Here are some more adjec� ves of number:

            one                    many                    fi � h                    several                    most                    ten

                                                   Practice Time 3

        Underline the adjec� ves of number in the following sentences.

             1.  Two men are rich.

             2.  He scored ten marks in the English test.

             3.  There are thirty students in my class.

             4.  The cupboard has two drawers and four shelves.

             5.  The boy won the fi rst prize.

          Let’s Learn About Participle Adjectives

        The par� ciple adjec� ve is a tradi� onal term for an adjec� ve that has the same form                    Adjectives
        as the par� ciple (that is, a verb ending in -ing or -ed/-en) and that usually exhibits the

        ordinary proper� es of an adjec� ve.

        For example: a running train, a fl ying plane, an experienced teacher, a wri� en answer.

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