Page 43 - English Grammar - 4
P. 43

If an adjec� ve ends in a single consonant that is preceded by a vowel, we repeat the

            consonant and add -er to form a compara� ve degree, and -est to form a superla� ve

                          Posi� ve                 Compara� ve (+ er)               Superla� ve (+ est)

                  fat                            fa� er                           fa� est

                  thin                           thinner                          thinnest

                  big                            bigger                           biggest

                  red                            redder                           reddest

            If  an  adjec� ve  ends  in  -y and  has  a consonant before it,  -y changes into

            -ier to form the compara� ve degree and -iest to form the superla� ve degree.

                      Posi� ve             Compara� ve (y → ier)                Superla� ve (y → iest)

                  heavy                  heavier                              heaviest

                  muddy                  muddier                              muddiest

                  busy                   busier                               busiest

                  easy                   easier                               easiest

            Some adjec� ves do not change at all. If an adjec� ve has two or more vowel sounds,
            we add more to form the compara� ve degree and most to form the superla� ve


                 Posi� ve         Compara� ve (more + posi� ve) Superla� ve (most + posi� ve)

                 useful            more useful                              most useful

                 responsible       more responsible                         most responsible                      Adjectives: Degrees of Comparison

                 important         more important                           most important

                 exci� ng          more exci� ng                            most exci� ng

            Some  adjec� ves  form  their  compara� ve  and  superla� ve  degrees  in  a  diff erent

            manner altogether.

                         Posi� ve                  Compara� ve                   Superla� ve

                  good                         be� er                       best

                  bad                          worse                        worst

                  li� le                       less                         least
                  many                         more                         most

                  much                         more                         most

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