Page 45 - English Grammar - 4
P. 45

Listening & Speaking Time

          The teacher will select some sentences in which positive, comparative and superlative

          adjectives will be used. He/She will divide the class into four groups, A, B, C and D. Then
          he/she will speak a sentence with one adjective form and will ask the representatives of
          the group to specify which degree of adjective it belongs to. For the right answer, he/
          she will give one mark to the group and write the score on the blackboard. The winner

          group will be greeted by clapping.
          For example:

          Teacher        :  David was not as strong as Goliath.
                            David was a be� er fi ghter than Goliath.

          Student        :  ‘ Strong’ is posi� ve adjec� ve and ‘be� er’ is a compara� ve adjec� ve in the
                             two sentences.

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           Learn With Fun

          Write  fi ve  sentences  using  various  degrees of comparison to describe  the picture.
          The adjec� ves in the help box will help you.

                           tall           fat           big              old             long

                                          Ria      Ria’s father  Jyo� ’s father  Jyo�                             Adjectives: Degrees of Comparison
           1.  ___________________________________________________________________

           2.  ___________________________________________________________________

           3.  ___________________________________________________________________

           4.  ___________________________________________________________________
           5.  ___________________________________________________________________

   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50