Page 49 - English Grammar - 4
P. 49

C.  Fill in the blanks with the ar� cles a, an or the.

             1. __________ Ganges is ______ holy river.

             2.   He is __________ useless fellow.

             3. __________ mango is ______ juicy fruit.

             4.  I have __________ test tomorrow morning.

             5. __________ President lives in __________ Rashtrapa�  Bhavan.

             6. __________ wind is blowing.

             7.  My friend gave me __________ book.

             8.  I like to play _____________ guitar.

             9.  My brother bought _____________ pair of shoes yesterday.

            10.   I  saw  _____________ ant and  _____________ grasshopper  in  ______ garden


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           Activity Time

          Write three sentences in which all the three ar� cles are used together.

             1. __________________________________________

             2. __________________________________________

             3. __________________________________________

          Listening & Speaking Time

          The teacher will make three slips with ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ respec� vely. He/She will invite             Articles

          students one by one to pull out a slip. The student will make two sentences using the
          ar� cle wri� en on that slip and speak aloud.

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