Page 53 - English Grammar - 4
P. 53
Let’s Learn Having Verbs
A having verb tells what a person or thing has.
Read the following sentences.
The stool has We have The boys had
three legs. yellow shoes. a computer.
In the above sentences, the words has, have and had tell us what a person or thing has.
These words show belonging or possession. These are also called having verbs.
Practice Time 3
Choose the correct having verbs given in brackets to fi ll in the blanks.
1. Monkeys _______________ long tails. (has/have)
2. Mohit _______________ a new puppy. (has/have)
3. Sarah _______________ a blue pen. (have/had)
4. My brother _______________ to decide. (have/had)
5. Ria _______________ dinner at 8 p.m. (had/have)
6. Jolly _______________ done well in the tests. (has/have)
7. I _______________ a bicycle. (has/had)
8. I _______________ bought fi ve pens. (has/have)
Activity Time Verbs
Form two teams — A and B. Team A will fi rst enact any 10 ac� on words which Team B
will try to guess. Next, Team B will enact and Team A will guess. A� er both the teams
have enacted and guessed, the team with the maximum number of correct guesses
will be declared the winner.