Page 38 - English Grammar - 4
P. 38

Let’s Learn Adjectives of Quantity & Intesifiers

                An adjec� ve that shows the quan� ty of a noun or a pronoun is called an adjec� ve

                of quan� ty. Adjec� ves of quan� ty answer the ques� on: How much? Some of these
                adjec� ves highten or reduce the eff ect of the noun they modify. These are intensifying

                adjec� ves.

                Read the following sentences.

                       I ate some food today.
                       She has enough work.

                       He ate the whole bread.
                       It’s sheer nonsense.
                       He is a mere beginner.
                       She is quite a tbeauty.
                In the above sentences, some, enough and whole are adjec� ves that tell us about the

                quan� � es of nouns. They are adjec� ves of quan� ty. Some adjec� ves which express
                that extent not fully quan� ty are intensifi ers such as sheer, mere and quite in above


                                                           Practice Time 2

                Fill in the blanks with suitable adjec� ves of quan� ty.

                     1.  I have ________________ money to spend today.

                     2.  I need ________________ food.

                     3.  The child drank ________________ milk.

                     4.  The food was ________________ for the beggar.
              Adjectives     5. ________________ boys came inside.

                     6.  Is there ________________ water in the jug?

                  Let’s Learn Adjectives of Number

                An adjec� ve that shows the number of a noun or its posi� on is called an adjec� ve of
                number. Adjec� ves of number answer the ques� on: How many? or In what order?

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