Page 37 - English Grammar - 4
P. 37

Read the following sentences.

               She is a beau� ful girl.
               What kind of a girl is she?

               (You get the answer: beau� ful.)

               These are brilliant boys.
               What kind of boys are they?

               (You get the answer: brilliant.)

               Ashoka was a wise king.
               What kind of a king was Ashoka?

               (You get the answer: wise.)

        In the above sentences, beau� ful, brilliant and wise are adjec� ves that tell us about

        the quali� es of nouns. Therefore, they are adjec� ves of quality.

        Some more adjec� ves of quality are:

        smart          pre� y        nice          intelligent           honest            rich

        poor           big           clever        weak                  strong            powerful

        Noun As Adjectives

        Some� mes  a  noun  func� ons  as  a  modifi er  to  another  noun  describing  a  quality/


        Example: gold ring, stone wall.

        Here, the nouns gold and stone are ac� ng as adjec� ves.

                                                   Practice Time 1

        Underline the adjec� ves of quality in the following sentences.

             1.  She was a nice girl.

             2.  My uncle is an honest man.                                                                       Adjectives

             3.  These mangoes are juicy.

             4.  My mother is a kind woman.
             5.  It was a pleasant experience.

             6.  A fox is a clever animal.

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