Page 37 - Computer - 6
P. 37
3. What is the difference between splitting cells and merging cells in a table?
4. Write the steps to convert existing text into a table.
5. Write the steps to calculate the sum of values in a column in a table.
Mind Stretching
1. Manya wants to insert a table in a Word document with the structure as shown in the image.
Which option under the Table command should she use? Logical Thinking
2. Pranav wanted to create a table for the marks he obtained in various subjects in a unit test and to
calculate the total marks using a formula. Help him do so. Computational Skills
Lab Work Computational Skills
A. Create a time table of your class in Word 2019. Format the time table according to the given instructions.
(a) Centre align the text of the entire table.
(b) Change the colour of days of the week to red.
(c) Change the colour of period numbers to blue.
(d) Enhance the look of the time table by adding borders and shading.
B. Create the table of sales figures for different products manufactured by a company for the first three
months of a year.
Products January February March
Soap 40000 35000 52000
Face wash 68000 55000 82000
Shampoo 73000 79000 86000
Conditioner 200000 33000 45000
Toothpaste 87000 91000 78000
Hair oil 54000 35000 35000
(a) Insert a column with heading QUARTER SALES at the end and display the total sales of each product
for the three months.
(b) Insert a row with heading PRODUCT SALES at the bottom and display the total sales for each month.
[Use the Sum( ) formula to calculate the total sales]
DISCUSS Communication Skills
Discuss with your classmates the various situations where the different methods of creating tables in Word
2019 can be used.
Explain to the students the various formatting features to create more attractive and eye-catching tables.