Page 34 - Code & Click - 4
P. 34
2. Grammatical errors in Word 2016 are marked with ______.
3. Spelling errors in Word 2016 are marked with ______.
B. Fill in the blanks using the Data Box.
Data Box dictionary Repeat Selection bar
1. To select entire paragraph, you need to triple-click in the ___________.
2. The Redo button also acts like the ___________ button.
3. Word has an in-built ___________ for checking spellings and grammar.
C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.
1. You can select text in a Word document using keyboard or mouse. _______
2. You can delete a word in Word 2016 without selecting it. _______
3. You can insert text at any position in a document. _______
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the use of Undo and Redo commands?
2. What is the Selection bar?
3. What is meant by editing of text?
Critical Thinking
Mind Stretching
Write the shortcut key combinations in Word 2016 for the following tasks.
(i) Copy Text (ii) Redo an action (iii) Cut Text
(iv) Select a line up (v) Select a paragraph (vi) Undo an action
Lab Work Experiential Learning
Type the following text in Word 2016 and make the changes listed below.
Air pollution is most often caused by burning fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, and natural
gas. The exhaust fumes released by vehicles fill the air with toxic particles. Pollution can
cause health problems, such as asthma, and other symptoms of allergies. The World
Health Organisation has classified air pollution as an environmental risk to human health.
(a) Insert the text - Air pollution is the degradation of quality of air - after the second line.
(b) Copy - Air pollution - and paste it above the first paragraph.
(c) Correct all spelling and grammatical mistakes in the document.