Page 68 - Computer - 5
P. 68
5. You can move a program window from one _____________ to another in
Windows 10.
C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.
1. Word 2019 allows you to arrange the text in two columns only. _______
2. A sprite can be deleted only from the Sprites list. _______
3. The Action Center can be used to change settings in Windows 10. _______
4. You cannot convert existing text into a WordArt object. _______
5. Language processors are system software. _______
D. Give the answer for each of the following in one word.
1. The virtual productivity assistant in Windows 10. ____________
2. The background of the Stage in Scratch 3. ____________
3. Stylised text in a Word document. ____________
4. Page orientation in which a document is displayed
horizontally. ____________
5. Programs created to perform a specific set of tasks
for a number of users. ____________
E. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What is WordArt? Write the steps to convert existing text into a WordArt object.
2. Explain two ways of switching between running programs in Windows 10.
3. What is a costume? What is the use of different costumes for a sprite?
4. What is page orientation? Explain the two types of page orientation available in
Word 2019.
5. Write the function of each of the following:
(a) Spreadsheet software (b) DBMS software
(c) Graphics software