Page 111 - Grammar Glow - 7
P. 111
22 22 Paragraph Writing
What is a Paragraph?
A paragraph is a short composition. It consists of a number of sentences linked together, all relating
to one topic.
A Paragraph consists (i) unity, (ii) coherence, (iii) and right emphasis.
To write a good paragraph, one must keep the following points in mind:
1. There are no special rules about its length.
2. It deals with one topic or idea. It is a good idea to state the topic sentence or idea in a single
simple sentence.
She was very unhappy because it was her favourite ball.
3. The sentences should be in a logical order. The most important ones are the first and the
last. The first sentence is generally the topic sentence. This should be able to rouse the
interest of the reader. The last sentence should sum up the idea which was developed.
4. The sentences that follow the first ones should usually develop the idea in some kind of a
logical sequence. These form the main body of the paragraph.
5. There should be a variety in writing a paragraph. Avoid unnecessary repetition of words
and ensure that all sentences are of different types and lengths.
Our Visitor
The appearance of our visitor was a surprise to me, since I had expected a typical country practitioner.
She was a very tall, beautiful woman, with a nose like a beak, which jutted out between two keen,
black eyes, set closely together. They sparkled brightly from behind a pair of gold- rimmed glasses.
She was dressed in a shabby fashion, his jacket was dark, and her trousers looked old and washed
out. Though young, her back was already bowed and she walked with a shuffle.
Mr Singh's Living Room
Mr Singh’s living room is amazing. It is so large that I think almost the entire ground floor of our
house in Mumbai would fit in it. On one side is a row of windows through which one can watch the
sea. All furniture is expensive; each piece had probably cost ten or fifteen thousand rupees. Apart
from these, there is wall to wall carpeting, paintings on the wall, and a chandelier hanging from
the ceiling. A huge book case stands in one side of the room. The books in it look so glossy that it
seems, as if they have only just been bought.