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P. 116

24 24            Essay Writing

          There are four types of essays.

              1.   Descriptive Essays : essays on persons, places, things, animals, etc.

              2.   Narrative Essays : essays on events, journeys, happenings, biographies, matches, etc.
              3.   Argumentative Essays : essays in which one may support or oppose ideas strongly.

              4.   Imaginative Essays : essays on topics that can be imagined only; as—If I were a Millionaire,
                  The Story of a Pitcher, etc.

                                                     My Best Friend

          I still do not know why Rohit is my best friend. We two are poles apart in looks, habits and
          temperament. Rohit is tall, lanky with sharp features. I am short, round and with spectacles and a
          chubby face. Rohit is a keen sportsman, and I am studious. Rohit is never serious and, I am serious
          about everything. In spite of all these differences, we love each other and are always together
          much to the surprise of the whole class.

          One thing which makes Rohit so lovable is that he never hurts anyone. I have never heard him
          to make a nasty comment about anyone—whether a classmate or a teacher. He seems to find
          something good in everyone. He doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body and is very generous
          with his possessions. Even the most strict teacher will find a word of praise from him. ‘He is not
          cruel, he only wants us to learn mathematics properly,’ He will say in defence of the teacher, even
          after getting punished for not doing the sums properly! He has never made fun of me for not
          being able to take part in games. He always encourages me and because of him I have taken to
          playing chess seriously. He is the captain of the Middle School Cricket Team.
          How he loves practical jokes! And the strange thing is that even the teachers seem to enjoy them.
          One day, a teacher who uses reading glasses, left hers on the table and turned to write on the
          blackboard. When she finished writing, she picked up her glasses and started to read. To her horror,
          she couldn’t see a word in the book! She started rubbing her glasses with her handkerchief, put
          them on again, but to her consternation couldn’t see a thing again! She took off the glasses to take
          a close look and realised they were not hers. Rohit had taken her glasses from the table and he was
          sitting with them on his nose!

                                       Advertisements— A Boon or a Bane?

          Advertisements have become part of  our lives. We  cannot live  without them. They attract us
          from all sides. Step out of the house and they stare at you from all corners, promoting products
          from needles to CDs, from cricket bats to gold watches. At home every five minute television
          programmes are interrupted to tell us what toothpaste we should buy, what kind of salt is good

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