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P. 117

for us or even which toy to give to a new baby! So many kinds of goods are displayed, so many
          temptations are presented that the poor consumer does not know what to buy or reject.

          Advertisements help us in telling about a new product. Without them one cannot know which
          new products have been launched in any field. We will not be able to learn about the merits of a
          new product. It can be anything— a new medicine, a new book, a new school, a new hospital—the
          list is endless. Advertisements also lead to competition and better products come in the market.
          As long as the competition is healthy, it is good, but advertisements have become cutthroat—
          see the Cola War. The competition between Coca-cola and Pepsi has made them spend crores on
          advertisements. Film stars are roped into to make the products popular. Films re advertised with
          huge posters. Sometimes they prove dangerous for drivers! Some advertisements are displayed
          wrongly. Some of them are very attractive and they persuade people to buy things which they do
          not need! For example, housewives rush to buy things at sales which they do not need, but buy
          them because they are cheaper.

                                    If I Were the Prime Minister of My Country

          If I ever become the prime minister of my country, my first priority would be rooting out corruption.
          The biggest problem is corruption, right from top to bottom. The general public thinks that nothing
          can move without greasing a few palms. If you want anything to be done, you must have the right
          connections, the right amount of money to give. I would see to it that no corrupt official survives
          in my Government. Punishment for the corruption would be compulsory and final.
          To have honest people around, there should be adequate salaries given to everyone and to educate
          people in proper values. My next target would be education. I would try to fulfil one of the promises
          made by our constitution makers, free and compulsory education till the secondary school. There
          would not be a single illiterate person left in India. Every boy and every girl would have the right
          to study up to the secondary school. No country can progress without its women being educated.
          The schools would teach ethical, moral values, inculcate a high feeling of patriotism and teach
          every child how to earn a living.

          Business-oriented education would eradicate poverty and also teach the young that India needs
          to reduce its population growth. With a decrease in population our economy would grow country
          and India will find its place among the most prosperous nations of the world.

          The country would be prosperous, peaceful and with inculcated spiritual values. All this would be
          true—If I were the Prime Minister of My Country!

                                                       Test Yourself

             I.  Write an essay on the following topics:
                 1.   Your visit to railway station                 2.   Is cinema harmful to the youth?

                 3.   Good manners                                  4.   How science has changed our lives?
                 5.   Pollution—how to stop it?                     6.   If I were a Millionaire

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