Page 113 - Grammar Glow - 7
P. 113

23 23            Letter Writing

          Parts of a Letter. They are:

              1.   Beginning             2.   Salutation             3.   Body                   4.   Ending

          Generally speaking, there are two main types of letters:

              1.   Formal Letters        2.   Informal Letters

          Format of a Formal Letter

              1.   Writer’s adderss                              S.K. Ahiri Marg

                                                                 Worli, Mumbai – 400025

              2.   Date                                          28th February 20XX
              3.   Address of person or                          The Postmaster

                  firm receiving letter                          General Post office

                                                                 Worli,  Mumbai 4000XX
              4.   Salutation                                    Dear Sir/Madam,

              5.   Body                                          ..............................................................................








              6.   Subscription                                  Yours faithfully
              7.   Signature                                     Murali

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