Page 121 - Grammar Glow - 7
P. 121
witch — which sea — see sale — sail him — hymn
role — roll stare — stair read — reed rain — reign
Confusing Words
There are some words that are not homophones, but are still confusing. Study the sentences to
understand how to use them.
1. accept (to agree): He will accept the rare honour with great humility.
except (not included): Everyone congratulated him except his own brother.
2. averse (strong dislike): I am completely averse to animals inside the bedroom.
adverse (opposed to/not agreeable): I hope you are not adverse to the decision we took at
the meeting.
3. affect (usually a verb - to alter): Do you think the red frill will affect the look of the dress?
effect (usually a noun - cause the change/alter): The red frill will effect the dress: it will
make it look brighter.
4. aisle (passage between rows of seats): He walked down the aisle and took his seat at the
end of the hall.
isle (an island): Even a small boat can take you to the isle out there in the sea.
5. all together (all in one place; all at once completely): We will clap all together when the
show ends.
altogether (on the whole): It was an altogether well put-up show.
6. ensure (make sure/guarantee): Please ensure that the children come back safely from the
insure (take an insurance policy): I have to insure my new car today.
7. capital (main or central): New Delhi is the capital of India.
capitol (the building in washington D.C., where Congress meets to work on new laws):
The ministers are having a high level meeting at the Capitol. (This is always written with a
capital ‘C’.)
8. emigrate (to move away from a place to live elsewhere): Due to the war, many Kashmiri
pundits have emigrated to other parts of India.
immigrate (to come in to live in a city or place): Australia is very strict about letting people
immigrate into its cities.
9. compliment (praise): She received many compliments for her performance.
complement (a thing that completes): The pearl necklace was the final complement to the
elegant dress.