Page 126 - Grammar Glow - 7
P. 126

Proverb                                             Meaning

             18.  Justice delayed is justice denied.                    if the law is applied too late, there is no

             19.  A loaded wagon makes no noise.                        wealthy people do not talk about

             20.  A man is as old as he feels.                          your age doesn’t matter as long as you
                                                                        are fit and healthy

             21.  A man is judged by his deeds, not by his              a person is judged on what he/she
                  words.                                                actually does, not on what they say
                                                                        they will do

             22.  A man is known by the company he keeps.               a person’s character is judged by the
                                                                        type of people with whom they spend
                                                                        their time

             23.  The pen is mightier than the sword.                   words and intelligence are more
                                                                        powerful than physical strength

             24.  A rising tide lifts all boats.                        something that will be helpful to all

             25.  A rolling stone gathers no moss.                      if a person keeps moving from place
                                                                        to place, they gain neither friends nor

             26.  A bad penny turns up always.                          an unwanted person seems to appear

             27.  When in Rome (do as the Romans do).                   it is best to do what others are doing
                                                                        when you are in a foreign place (or any

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