Page 239 - Ai Book - 10
P. 239

box_plot_data = [Eng, Maths, Hindi, Comp]

              plt.title(‘Box Plot’)
              plt.xticks([1,2,3,4], [“Eng”, “Maths”, “Hindi”, “Comp”], rotation =0)



        Classification is a way of finding an appropriate  model or function which helps in separating the data into
        discrete values. In classification, data is categorized under different labels according to the parameters defined
        in input and then the labels are predicted for the data. For example, You have seen that teachers are classified
        on the basis of the subjects taught by them. This classification is based on the parameter subject expert.

        Personality Prediction

        Nowadays, you have seen that the use of social networking websites like Facebook, Instagram etc. is increasing
        rapidly where people share a lot of information through status updates which plays an important role in the
        field of behavioral learning and human personality. As you know, social media has become the most widely
        used communication and interaction tool between people over the past a few years which reduces the direct
        interaction between people.  Thus, it is quite difficult to recognize a person’s personality on the basis of shared
        status and posts. But, the field of AI i.e. Machine learning is able to predict the personality of an individual on
        the basis of classification models where several data are classified into appropriate datasets.

                 AI Activity
                 AI Activity
                                                                                           Classification Technique

          Personality Prediction Game is based on classification technique. With the help of this game, let us get
          clear view of classification technique.

          How to Play?
          To play this game(What Animal are you?) online, type the following web address into the URL of the
          web browser: By doing this, you will get the
          following screen as shown in the snapshot given below:


              l  A computer                                       l   Internet Connection

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