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P. 232

Matplotlib Package to Plot Data

            In Python, we can easily visualise data using the Matplotlib package. The different kinds of plotting the data
            using this package are as follows:
             u   Scatter Plot: Scatter plots are also known as scatter graphs and these graphs are similar to line graphs. A
                line graph uses a line on an X-Y axis to plot a continuous function, while a scatter plot uses dots to represent
                individual pieces of data. In simple terms, scatter plots are used for discontinuous data.

                The two types of scatter plot are 2D and 3D. While drawing a 2D scatter plot, there is a limitation that you
                can plot upto four parameters on the axes. Let us understand with the help of the simple illustration as
                shown in the figure given below:

            Here, we can plot a scatter graph for three parameters. The different symbols tell us the number of parameters
            existing in a graph.Let us learn how to draw a 2D scatter plot using Python code.  To plot any type of graph, you
            should always import two Python packages: Matplotlib and Numpy by writing the following lines of code:
                 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                 import numpy as np
            Suppose, you have made a sample worksheet in Excel in which two prices i.e. Old Price and New Price are given
            for several books. The visual look of sample worksheet is as follows:

            To draw a Scatter plot of the sample worksheet on the basis of two coordinates, you should write the following
            lines of code:
                 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                 import numpy as np
                 df = pd.read_excel(r’F:\Book_list.xlsx’)
                 x= df.Old_Price
                 y= df.New_Price
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