Page 128 - Computer - 8
P. 128

5.  Click and drag the mouse pointer in the selected area of the
                 Photoshop  fills  the  area  with  the  selected  gradient  in  the
                direction of the drag.

          Paint Bucket Tool
          The Paint Bucket tool is used to fill similarly coloured adjacent areas with the foreground colour.

          To use the Paint Bucket tool:
            1.  Open a saved image.

            2.  Select the foreground colour.                            3


                                                           3.  In the Tools panel, click the Paint Bucket     tool.

                                                               The mouse pointer changes to a bucket pointer.
                                                           4.  Click the desired location in the image.
                                                               Photoshop fills the area with the selected foreground

          Mind Fog       ERROR

             If the area clicked with the Paint Bucket tool is a closed region, it gets filled with the selected colour, else the
             entire open region of the image gets filled with the colour.

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