Page 130 - Computer - 8
P. 130

                                                  INFO RETENTION

          A.   Select the correct option for each of the following statements.

              1.  The component of Photoshop 2022 Workspace that displays the current magnification level and
                  file size for an image is ______.

                  (a)  Status bar          (b)  Options Bar         (c)  Application bar    (d)  Tools panel

              2.  The default foreground colour for an image in Photoshop 2022 is ______.

                  (a)  blue                (b)  white               (c)  red                (d)  black

              3.  The tool that lets you select rectangular area of an image is ______.
                  (a)  Rectangular Marquee tool                     (b)  Magic Wand tool

                  (c)  Gradient tool                                (d)  Lasso tool

              4.  The tool that is used to create a selection area that snaps to the edges of a shape is ______.

                  (a)  Magic Wand tool  (b)  Magnetic Lasso tool (c)  Marquee tool          (d)  Gradient tool

              5.  The Brush tool, Pencil tool, Gradient tool, and Paint Bucket tool are grouped as ______.

                  (a)   Selection tools    (b)  Painting tools      (c)  Drawing tools      (d)  Colouring tools

          B.  Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

              1.  The _________ displays options for the currently selected tool.

              2.  The _________ tool is used to remove unwanted parts from an image.
              3.  You can draw customized shapes such as, stars and arrows, by using the _________ tool.

              4.  The Brush tool creates _________ strokes of a colour, while the Pencil tool creates _________

              5.  The _________ tool is used to fill selected areas with a blend of multiple colours.

          C.   Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.

              1.  The Switch icon in the Tools panel lets you set the foreground and background
                  colours of a file to the default colours.                                                  _______

              2.  Marquee tools are used to create free-form selection areas in an image.                    _______

              3.  The Pencil tool works exactly the same as the Brush tool.                                  _______

              4.  Multiple files can be opened in Photoshop 2022 under the same tab.                         _______

              5.  A higher resolution for an image results in smaller size of the file.                      _______

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