Page 131 - Computer - 8
P. 131

D.  Answer the following questions.

              1.  What is Adobe Photoshop 2022? Write any three features of Photoshop 2022.

              2.  Write the steps to create a new file in Photoshop 2022.
              3.  What is the use of Tools panel in Photoshop 2022 Workspace?
              4.  Write the steps to change the foreground colour and background colour in Photoshop.

              5.  What are drawing tools? Describe any two drawing tools.

              6.  Differentiate between:
                  (a) Marquee tools and Lasso tools                 (b) Move tool and Crop tool

              7.  Write the steps to apply a gradient fill to an object.
                                                                                                       Critical Thinking
             Mind Stretching
            1.  Anand wants to make a freehand selection in an image in Photoshop 2022 and move it to another
                location in the same image. Which tools should he use?
            2.  Shivani wants to change all the blue coloured areas in an image to green colour. Which tool in
                Photoshop 2022 should she use?

            3.  Identify and name the tool in Photoshop 2022 used to perform the following tasks:

                (a)  Moving selections in an image.                                           __________________

                (b)  Selecting similarly coloured areas in an image.                          __________________
                 (c)  Drawing geometrical shapes in an image.                                 __________________
                (d)  Painting strokes on an image.                                            __________________

                (e)  Selecting a column of one pixel width.                                   __________________

             Lab Work                                                                                    Creative Skills

              A.  Create a geometric pattern using the various Shape tools in Photoshop 2022.

              B.  Create a drawing of a sea beach in Photoshop 2022. Use the various tools to make the drawing as
                 attractive as possible.

            DISCUSS                                                                                Communication Skills
             Do you think Photoshop is a better software than Paint for creating and editing drawings and images? Discuss
             with your classmates.

           TEACHER’S DESK
           TEACHER’S DESK
           Explain to the students the use of various selection and drawing tools, along with their options, in Photoshop

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