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P. 123

Lasso Tools
          The Lasso tools are used to make freehand, polygonal, or magnetic selections in an image.

          To use a Lasso     tool:
            1.   Open a saved image.
            2.  In the Tools panel, click and hold the mouse button on the
                Lasso tool.
                 A fly-out menu opens.                                            2
            3.  Select the required Lasso tool:

                     Lasso Tool              To draw a free-form selection area.

                     Polygonal Lasso Tool  To draw a polygonal selection area.
                                            To draw a selection area that snaps to the edges of defined areas in
                     Magnetic Lasso Tool
                                            the image.

                 The mouse pointer changes according to the selected lasso tool.          4.1
            4.  (a) With the Lasso tool:

                      4.1  Click and drag the mouse pointer over an area to draw a freehand
                         selection border.

                      4.2 Release the mouse button to close the selection border.
                 (b) With the Polygonal Lasso tool:
                                                                                            5.3                5.2
                     5.1 Click in the image to set the starting point for the selection border.

                     5.2 Click at the position where you want the first segment to end.
                     5.3 Continue to set endpoints for subsequent segments.

                     5.4 Click at the starting point to close the selection border.

                 (c) With the Magnetic Lasso tool:                                                     6.1       6.2
                     6.1  Click in the image to set the starting point for the selection border.
                     6.2   Move the mouse pointer along the edge of an object you want to
                                 As you move the pointer, the selection border snaps to the edges of
                         the object in the image.

                     6.3  Click at the starting point to close the selection border.
          Magic Wand Tool
          The Magic Wand tool is used to select similarly coloured areas in an image.

          To use the Magic Wand tool:
            1.  Open a saved image.
            2.  In the Tools panel, click and hold the Quick Selection tool     .     2
                 A fly-out menu opens.                                                        3
            3.  Click the Magic Wand tool.

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