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Knowledge Discovery                                                               Subject Enrichment

               To reset foreground and background to default colours, press the D key on the keyboard or click
               the Default Colors icon in the Tools panel. Click the Switch Colors icon to swap the foreground
               and background colours.

          Selection tools are used to select an image or part of an image. Some selection tools in Photoshop 2022
          are Marquee tools, Lasso tools, Magic wand tool, Move tool, and Crop tool. Let us learn to use these tools.

          Marquee Tools
          The Marquee tools are used to make rectangular, elliptical, single row, and single column selections in
          an image.
          To use a Marquee       tool:
            1.  Open a saved image.
            2.  In the Tools panel, click and hold the mouse button on the
                Marquee tool.
                 A fly-out menu opens.                                              2
            3.  Select a Marquee tool:

                     Rectangular Marquee Tool             to select a rectangular or square area of an image.

                      Elliptical Marquee Tool             to select an elliptical or circular area of an image.
                      Single Row Marquee Tool             to select a row of one pixel width.

                     Single Column Marquee Tool           to select a column of one pixel width

                 The mouse pointer changes to a small plus (+) sign.
            4.  Do one of the following:
                • for Rectangular or Elliptical Marquee tool, click and drag over the area you want to select.
                • for Single Row or Single Column Marquee tool, click an area in the image.
                 A dashed border surrounds the selected area.

                 Knowledge Discovery                                                               Subject Enrichment

               Hold down the Shift key as you drag the Rectangular Marquee tool or Elliptical Marquee tool to make a
               square or circular selection respectively.

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