Page 73 - Code & Click - 4
P. 73
Let us understand the various terms used in the context of the Internet.
1. Web page
Information on the Internet is stored in the
form of files called Web pages. A web page
can contain information in the form of text,
images, audio, and video.
2. Website
A Website is a collection of related web pages storing information about a
specific person, business, organisation, etc.
3. Home page
The Home page is the first or main page of a website which appears when you
visit a particular website. It generally includes basic information about the
website and links to related web pages.
4. URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Information on the Internet is saved in form of web
pages on special computers called Web servers. A
web page or website can be accessed if you know
the location where it is stored on the Internet. The
address of a web page or a web site is called its Web
address. It is identified by a unique name called Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
5. Hyperlink
A Hyperlink, or a Link, is a shortcut for the URL of a webpage. It lets you move
directly from one web page to another. A hyperlink usually appears as text that is
underlined and in a different colour from the regular text on the web page. The
mouse pointer changes to a hand symbol when it is moved on a hyperlink.
When you click the hyperlink, the related web page loads into your web browser