Page 82 - English Grammar - 5
P. 82
If a verb has only one vowel sound and ends in vowel + consonant, we double the
consonant, and then add -ing.
run – running sit – sitting jog – jogging fit – fitting
Some verbs have irregular -ing forms.
lie – lying die – dying
Open Sesame
Subject Helping Verb –ing Form of the Main Verb
I am playing.
He/She/It is running.
You/We/They are learning.
The boy/girl is working.
The boys/Amit and
Rakesh are swimming.
Use of the Present Continuous Tense
This tense expresses an action that is going on at the time of speaking.
The gardener is watering the plants. (now)
Present Continuous Tense
In the above sentence, the action of watering the plants is going on at the time
of speaking.
Mr and Mrs Gupta are walking in the park. (now)
In the above sentence, the action of walking in the park is going on at the time
of speaking.
This tense expresses an action that is arranged to take place in near future.
My brother is coming tomorrow.
She is going tonight.
In the above sentences, the actions are arranged in future. The words tomorrow and
tonight tell the future time of the actions.
Practice Time
A. Write down the -ing form of the main verbs given below.
1. buy _______________ 2. come _______________
3. enjoy _______________ 4. fly _______________