Page 84 - English Grammar - 5
P. 84
Listening & Speaking Time
The teacher will write different verbs in simple present tense on small pieces of paper.
He/She will ask each student one by one to pull out four pieces of paper and read out
the verbs written on them. Then the student will speak out four sentences based on the
verbs in present continuous form.
For example:
Cue–words → run, read, sing, swim
Student → I am running. I am reading. I am singing. I am swimming.
Teacher → Can you explain the change in the spelling of a verb when it changes
from simple present form to present continuous form?
Student → We add +ing to simple present verb to make it continuous. But in some
words like run or swim, the last letter like n or m respectively is doubled
when they take continuous form. For example: running and swimming.
Observational Skills
Learn With Fun
Present Continuous Tense
Look at the picture and frame six sentences using verbs in the present continuous
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________