Page 23 - English Grammar - 5
P. 23
4. the uniforms of the children ______________________________________
5. the laptop of the principal ______________________________________
6. the wallet of my father ______________________________________
7. the shop of the chemist ______________________________________
8. the wife of his friend ______________________________________
B. Change the following possessives into their singular form.
1. the dogs’ tail ________________________________________
2. the children’s books ________________________________________
3. the girls’ shoes ________________________________________
4. the boys’ parents ________________________________________
5. the women’s parlour ________________________________________
6. the sheep’s wool ________________________________________
7. the horses’ studio ________________________________________
8. the men’s parlour ________________________________________
Let’s learn Apostrophe for Omissions
An apostrophe ( ’ ) can also be used for showing omissions of letters and numbers.
For example
I’m (for I am)
Don’t (for do not)
He’s (for he is/he has)
It’s (for it is/it has)
’47 (for 1947)
Activity Time Nouns: Possession
Form two groups—A and B. A member of Group A will speak a sentence that shows
possession. A member of Group B will change some part of this sentence by making
use of an apostrophe. Carry out this activity till all the members of both the groups get
a chance to participate.
For example
Group A: The uniform of the officer looks new.
Group B: The officer’s uniform looks new.