Page 27 - English Grammar - 5
P. 27

Let’s Learn Formation of Feminine Nouns

        There are three ways in which a feminine noun can be formed from a masculine


        We add -ess to the masculine gender with or without making any changes to the

               Masculine              Feminine                      Masculine              Feminine

               duke                   duchess                       master                 mistress
               God                    Goddess                       priest                 priestess

               host                   hostess                       prince                 princess

               hunter                 huntress                      shepherd               shepherdess
               author                 authoress                     tiger                  tigress

               poet                   poetess                       waiter                 waitress

        We change a masculine noun into a feminine noun by using a different word altogether.

               Masculine              Feminine                      Masculine              Feminine

               brother                sister                        hero                   heroine

               bull                   cow                           stallion               mare
               cock/rooster           hen                           husband                wife

               drake                  duck                          king                   queen

               drone                  bee                           man                    woman
               fox                    vixen                         nephew                 niece

               gander                 goose                         son                    daughter

               gentleman              lady                          uncle                  aunt

        Sometimes, we change the masculine part of a compound word into feminine.

            Masculine               Feminine                     Masculine               Feminine

            grandfather             grandmother                  milkman                 milkmaid

            grandson                granddaughter                peacock                 peahen

            landlord                landlady                     headmaster              headmistress             Gender


            Some nouns like sun, summer, winter and time are used as masculine gender.
            Some nouns like moon, earth, spring and autumn are used as feminine gender.

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