Page 20 - English Grammar - 5
P. 20
Activity Time
Work in pairs. Write any six nouns whose singular and plural remain the same.
Singular Plural
1. ____________________ 1. ____________________
2. ____________________ 2. ____________________
3. ____________________ 3. ____________________
4. ____________________ 4. ____________________
5. ____________________ 5. ____________________
6. ____________________ 6. ____________________
Listening & Speaking Time
The teacher will call the students one by one for this activity. The teacher will randomly
choose any noun and give it to the student for a listening and speaking task. The student
will hear the word and then speak out four sentences by using a sense of near and far.
For example: Teacher : kite
Student : This is a kite. These are kites. That is a kite. Those are kites.
Singular and Plural Nouns
Information Literacy
Read aloud the singular and plural forms of the given nouns.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
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Observational Skills
Learn With Fun
Look around your classroom and write down as many sentences as you can using both
singular and plural nouns.
For example: There are twelve girls in my class.
There is one whiteboard in my class.