Page 26 - English Grammar - 4
P. 26

5                                                    The
                                                                                      The SentenceSentence

                Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!

                    Rearrange these groups of words to form sentences. Remember to use proper
                    punctuation and capital letters.

                    •   going/where/you/are                           •   eat/I/like/ice cream/to/an
                       ______________________________                    _____________________________

                    •   outside/sunny/is/it                           •   me/pen/a/give/please

                       ____________________________                      _____________________________

                  Let’s Learn Sentences

                A group of words that makes complete sense is called a sentence.

                Read the following groups of words.

                    a Ram boy good is

                    Ram is a good boy.

                The fi rst group of words has no meaning. But when the same words are rearranged

                and wri� en in meaningful order, they become a sentence. Generally, the word order
                is: subject + verb + object or other words.

                A sentence has two parts—a subject and a predicate.

                Read the following sentences.

                       The cow   grazes in the fi eld.
                            Subject          Predicate

                       Our dog    sits at the gate.

                             Subject          Predicate

                In the above sentences, the cow and our dog are subjects, and grazes in the fi eld and

                sits at the gate are predicates.
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