Page 23 - English Grammar - 4
P. 23

Practice Time 1

        Rewrite  the following sentences by  changing  the highlighted  masculine nouns  into

             1. The fox a� acked the shepherd.


             2. Anil’s brother works as a waiter.

             3. My grandfather is a poet.


             4. The actor was rewarded by the prince.

             5. The host owns a horse.

             6. The boy wants to be a priest.


          Let’s Learn Common and Neuter Genders

            A noun that refers to both male and female is said to be of the common gender.

        Look at the pictures and read the following sentences.

                           Adil is a student.                               Nancy is a student.

        The noun student is common for both Adil and Nancy, so it belongs to the common                           Gender

            A noun that denotes a non-living thing which is neither masculine nor feminine is

            said to be of the neuter gender.

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