Page 89 - Math Skill - 4
P. 89

Decimals                                                                                                87

        We write it in decimal form as ‘3.43’. We read it as ‘three point four three’.

                        17              3             143
        Similarly,  12      =  12 17 4.  ;  =  43 183.;    =  183 143.
                       100             10             1000

        Decimal Fractions in Place Value Chart

        We have learnt that in a place value chart, as we shift to the left, the place value increases by

        (× 10). In decimal fractions, as we move towards right, the value of the digit becomes             1   of its
        value at the preceding place.                                                                      10

        Now, look at the chart below.

              Ten thousands  Thousands  Hundreds  Tens  Ones  Decimal point  Tenths     Hundredths        Thousandths

          10000     1000     100        10        1       .       1   or 0.1      1   or 0.01       1    or 0.001
                                                                 10             100               1000

        Decimals in Expanded Form
        Let us take a decimal fraction 274.195. Arranging it in place value chart, we get:

         Hundreds       Tens      Ones     Decimal Point        Tenths       Hundredths         Thousandths

               2            7        4               .               1               9                   5

        Thus, expanded form of 274.195 = 200 + 70 + 4 +         1   +   9   +   5
                                                                10    100    1000
        Like and Unlike Decimals                                                    Fact-o-meter

        Decimals having the same number of digits after the decimal               We can convert an unlike
        point are called like decimals.                                           decimal into the like
                                                                                  decimal by adding zeros to
        If  the  number  of  digits  after  the  decimal  point  are  not  the    the right of decimal point.
        same, then the decimals are called as unlike decimals.

                         Like Decimals                                       Unlike Decimals

                    0.253, 2.347, 7.123, 4.005                            0.2, 0.003, 3.516, 4.0032

              Absorbing Facts
             Zero at the end of a decimal number do not change its value. For example, 2.5 and 3.345 are unlike decimals
           but 2.500 and 3.345 are like decimals. Here, 2.5 = 2.500
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