Page 88 - Math Skill - 4
P. 88

86                                                                                                  Maths

          3. Complete the table below.

                 Fraction              2                7               11               28               123
                                      10              100              1000              100             1000

                 Decimal              0.2             0.07             0.011            0.28             0.123
                                 Zero point
                  Read as

        Converting Fractions into Decimals

        To convert a given fraction into decimal, we follow these steps:
        Step 1:  Write the numerator of the given fraction and remove the denominator.
        Step 2:  Count  as  many  places  in  numerator  from  the  right  as  many  zeros  given  in  the

                  denominator and place the decimal.

                  For example,     3  =  03.;  53  =  053.;  297  =  0 297.
                                  10         100          1000
        Converting Decimals into Fractions

        To convert a given decimal into fraction, we follow these steps:
        Step 1:  Write the given decimal without the decimal point as the numerator.

        Step 2:   In the denominator put as many zeros to the right of 1 as the number of digits after the
                  decimal point.

                                        25               272                  5
                  For example, 2.5 =       ;  2.72 =         ;  0.005 =           and so on.
                                        10               100                1000
        Converting Mixed Fractions into Decimal Numbers

        Consider the mixed fraction 2      3  .

                                                                                            = 2  3   = 2.3

                            1            +            1            +            3

        We write it in decimal form as ‘2.3’. We read it as ‘two point three’.

                                                                                               = 3  43
                           1         +        1         +        1         +        43            100
                                                                                   100         = 3.43
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93