Page 28 - Computer - 5
P. 28
Mind Stretching
1. Write the name of the feature in Windows 10 that helps you perform the
following tasks: Critical Thinking
(a) Install an app from the Windows online marketplace. ____________
(b) Use voice commands to open a program. ____________
(c) View notifications in Windows 10. ____________
(d) Create events for occasions and set reminders for tasks. ____________
(e) Watch videos stored on your computer. ____________
2. Saloni wants to create her revision schedule using the Calendar app in Windows 10. Which
view in the app would be best suited for her purpose? Logical Thinking
Lab Work
A. Create an event in the Calendar app for your best friend’s birthday and set the reminder
for one day before the event. Creative Skills
B. Open the following programs:
Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Paint, and TUX Paint Computational Skills
(a) Use the Task View to bring the Word 2019 window to the front.
(b) Create two new desktops.
(c) Move the Paint program to Desktop 2 and TUX Paint program to Desktop 3.
(d) Delete Desktop 3.
DISCUSS Communication Skills
Discuss with your classmates how built-in Windows apps compare with similar programs in
terms of features and performance.
Explain to the students about other apps in Windows 10, such as On-screen keyboard,
Calculator, and Clock.