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Tips for Practicing the Four Steps for Effective Time Management

             u   Avoid delay or postponing any planned activity.
             u   Organise your room and school desk.
             u   Develop a ‘NO DISTURBANCE ZONE’, where you can sit and complete important tasks.

             u   Use waiting time productively.
             u   Prepare a ‘To-do’ list.
             u   Prioritise.
             u   Replace useless activities with productive activities.

            Self-regulation  can be defined  as the ability  to  control  one’s behaviour,
            emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals. More specifically,
            emotional self-regulation refers to the ability to manage disruptive emotions        Self-Regulation
            and impulses.
            Self-regulation  is like an invisible magic. You cannot see it or  smell it, but
            its effects are amazing. It can transform fat into slim, ignorant into expert,   Willpower      Regulation
            poor into rich, misery into happiness.  It  prepares you for that bumpy ride    Functioning     Self-Control
            all the way to the shore. It  makes you happier and  gives you that sense of   Effortful Control  Self-Management
            real achievement earned through sheer intensity of sustained focus. If you
            really want to succeed at a task then self-regulation is essential.  It is easy to
            feel that success comes easily; that it is just a question of self-belief. But anyone who has achieved anything has
            done so because they have been able to control and direct their own inner lives and actions to the extent that
            has enabled them to become proficient at what they do.

            Strategies for Self-regulation

            If self-regulation is so important, why were most of us never taught strategies for using this skill? Most often
            we all expect to do this naturally. While this is true for the most part, all children and adults can benefit from
            learning  these concrete strategies for self-regulation.

               z  Mindfulness:  Mindfulness  involves  the  cultivation  of  moment-to-moment  awareness  through  deep
               breathing. This helps with self-regulation by allowing you to delay gratification and manage emotions. In
               a 2018 review of 27 research studies, mindfulness was shown to have an effect on attention, which in turn
               helped to regulate feelings and higher-order thinking.

               z  Cognitive Reappraisal: Cognitive reappraisal  is a strategy that can be used to improve self-regulation abilities.
               This strategy involves changing your thought patterns. cognitive reappraisal means thinking about a situation
               in an adaptive way, rather than one that is likely to increase negative emotions. For example, imagine a friend
               did not return your calls or texts for several days. Rather than thinking that this reflected something about
               yourself, such as “my friend hates me,” you might instead think, “my friend must be really busy.”

               z  Acceptance and problem-solving: Another strategy for self-regulation is acceptance of a situation and then
               finding ways to tackle it.  Till the time we accept a problem, we will not get down to find its solution.  Once
               acceptance comes the solution to the problem is easy to find.  For this self-regulation and open-minded
               attitude are required.  people who are adept at self-regulating tend to see the good in others, view challenges
               as opportunities, and can calm themselves when upset and cheer when feeling down.

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