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P. 49

How to Set Goals?

        We can use SMART method to set goals. SMART stands for:

         u   Specific: Six questions are answered by a defined and obvious purpose. Who is a part of the goal? What
             do I intend to do? Where do I begin? When do I begin and end? Which expression should I use? What am
             I thinking?

         u   Measurable: A measurable objective addresses the questions “How much?” “How many?” and “How do
             I know I’ve achieved results?”

         u   Achievable: Breaking down large ambitions into smaller goals.
         u   Realistic: A realistic aim is something that we desire to achieve and can work towards it.
         u   Time-bound: A SMART objective should have a deadline by which it must be completed.
        Time Management and Its Importance

        Time management is the capacity to organise and control how you spend the hours of your day in order to
        accomplish all of your goals. A good example of time management is when you decide to do your homework
        right after school so you may watch TV later in the evening.
        Time management is the thinking skill that helps you to:

         u   complete tasks on time.
         u   make a daily timetable.
         u   make a good guess at how long it will take you to do something.
         u   submit homework and assignments on time.
         u   not waste time during the day.

                                         Four Steps for Effective Time Management
                  Step 1                    Step 2                     Step 3                    Step 4

                 Organise                  Pritortise                 Control                    Track
         •  Plan our day-to-day  Make  a to-do  list
            activities.             that has all activities   •  Have  a control over  Identify and note where
         •  Make a timetable  to  and  rank them in  the        the activities and time. to  spend  time.  This
            be followed.            order  of importance.    •  Avoid time wasters like   will  help  to  analyse if
                                                                                        we have used our time
         •  Keep the surroundings   For example, doing          chatting on the phone,   effectively or not. It also
            and study  table clean   homework can  be the       surfing  gossip  sites,   helps to  identify time-
            and mess free.          most important task. It     etc. and focus on more   wasting activities.

         •  Put things back where   helps  to  get the most     important things.
            they belong.            important task  done
         •  It helps to save time!  first and  also  to  track
                                    what is pending.

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