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P. 30
Paragraph Writing
A paragraph is a collection of sentences arranged in such an order that they relate to a central topic. There is
no specific formula to determine how many sentences comprise a paragraph. It depends on the depth and
complexity of the topic. Every sentence in the paragraph should relate to the main idea. Most paragraphs have
a three-part structure.
u Introduction is the first section of a paragraph. It should include the topic sentence and any other sentences
at the beginning of the paragraph that gives background information or provide a transition.
u The body of the paragraph follows the introduction; discusses the controlling idea, using facts, arguments,
analysis, examples and other information.
u Conclusion summarizes the paragraph’s central idea.
The term yoga means union. It comes from a Sanskrit word. Yoga unites our body and mind. It builds strength
and flexibility in our body when we follow its system of doing exercises. It includes physical and breathing
exercises. The physical exercises are called asanas while breathing exercises are called pranayama. Thus,
yoga is a combination of asanas and pranayama. Asanas make our body flexible while pranayama helps
calm and refresh our body and mind. A person who practises yoga is known as a Yogi.
Example of a paragraph
Types of Paragraphs
There are four types of paragraphs. These are:
u Descriptive Paragraph: This type of paragraph describes something. The words chosen in the description
should be artistic.
u Narrative Paragraph: This type of paragraph tells a story. There is a sequence of actions in the paragraph.
u Expository Paragraph: This type of paragraph explains something or provides instructions. It could also
describe a process or method.
u Persuasive Paragraph: This is the type of paragraph that many educators focus on because it is useful when
building an argument. It often requires a collection of facts and research.
Essential Elements of a Good Paragraph
The essential elements of a good paragraph.
u Unity of Topic: There should be unity of topic. Each paragraph should have a single controlling idea.
u Short and Concise: The paragraph should be short and concise.
u Controlling Idea: Before writing the paragraph it is important to think about the topic and related sentences.
u Connected Sentences: Sentences within a paragraph should be coherent and connected to each other.
u Coherence: Unnecessary details should not be added as it only makes the paragraph lengthy and lose its
u Completeness: Completeness indicates that a paragraph is well developed as all its sentences support the
main idea.
u Summarization: The summarizing of topic in the last sentence is very important.
u Proofreading and Revision: The last step in writing a paragraph is proofreading and revising before