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 Science &                                                                                         fact-O-pedia
 Technology  28
                            Energy Boost

        We all need food every day. Good food helps us to stay healthy and strong. It gives us energy to work
        and play. Most of our nutrients come from plants and animals.

          1         Bran Flakes                                      2             Eggs
         Replace your morning cereal with                           Egg  yolks  are  naturally  rich  in
         bran  flakes.  It  is  full  of  energy                    B-vitamins      which
         producing  B-vitamins,                                     is responsible for
         iron,  and  magnesium.                                     converting food into
         The fibre will also keep                                   energy.
         you feeling full for

                                                                                4       Dark Chocolate
                   3        Whole Grains                                       Dark chocolate energises us as it
                         Wheat,  kamut,  spelt,  oats,                         is an excellent source of iron and
                         and  brown  rice  contain                                  magnesium.
                         complex       carbohydrates,
                         fibre,  B-vitamins,  and  iron
                         that will keep you energised
                         throughout the day.

                                                                   6            Quinoa
          5           Bananas                                     Rich in complex  carbohydrates

         Bananas contain three different                          and  protein,  quinoa  is  a  highly
         types of sugar. Glucose and                              nutritious    grain   that
         fructose are quickly absorbed,                           keeps you feeling full
         thus providing an                                        and  energised  well
         energy boost quickly.                                    till your next meal.
         Sucrose acts slowly,
         keeping your blood
         sugar level stable,
         ensuring your energy
         levels don’t crash.                                       8            Salmon
                                                                  It is rich in essential omega-3
                      7          Almonds                          fatty acids which are required

                     When  eaten  raw  and  unsalted,             for energy
                          almonds are a great source of           brain activity,
                              healthy fats and protein            as well as maintaining
                                to balance blood sugar            a healthy heart.

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