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P. 30

                             Famous Castles

        A castle is a massive medieval-era building protected against attacks with strong walls, battlements,
        towers, and in several places, a moat.

        Read the descriptions and write the names of the famous castles using the Help Box.

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          It is the classic fairy tale castle,   It is Japan’s most fascinating    It is the world’s largest Gothic
          built for Louis II of Germany.      castle.                              brick castle.
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          It  is  the  world’s  largest       It is  the only castle  in the       It is a castle on a small island
          ancient  castle,  situated  in      world  that  is  integrated  into    on the Normandy Coast
          Czechoslovakia.                     a cave.                              (France).
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            Help Box                                      Fact File

             Prague Castle, Mont-Saint-Michel,            Naggar castle is a medieval castle, located in
             Himeji Castle, Neuschwanstein Castle,        Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India. It was built by
             Predjama Castle, Malbork Castle              Raja Sidh Singh of Kullu in around 1460 A.D.

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