Page 34 - What Where Why - 7
P. 34


                                                                                                    Science &
             27                                                                                    Technology
                             Unique Conditions

        In  medicine,  a  disturbance  in  the  regular  functioning  of  the  mind  or  body  that  has  a  detrimental
        impact on the structure or performance of our organs is termed as a condition or disorder.

        Read the descriptions and write the names using the Help Box.

          1.   It is a skin disorder                              2.   It is a disorder in which
              characterised by                                        a child has a craving to
              continuous shedding of                                  eat inedible and non-
              skin. Most commonly                                     nutritive substances like
              the feet, hands, face,                                  clay, chalk dust, sand,
              and armpits are                                         paints, hair, wool, and
              affected.                                               soft rocks.
               ____________________                                    ____________________

          3.   It is an extremely rare,                           4.   It is a temporary,
              progressive genetic                                     harmless oral condition
              disorder in which the                                   caused by the growth
              child shows premature                                   of bacteria or yeast in
              ageing, the loss of body                                the mouth. The bacteria
              fat, loss of hair, stiffness                            builds up tiny round
              in the joints, and hip                                  projections that starts to
              dislocation.                                            grow and turn black.
               ____________________                                    ____________________

          5.   It is a rare genetic condition in which the        6.   It is a painful condition
              organs in the chest and abdominal region                that causes the fingers
              are arranged in exactly                                 or thumb to lock when
              opposite position–the                                   bent. It happens when
              stomach and the spleen                                  the tendons in the finger
              are on the right side, and                              or thumb becomes stiff
              the liver and three lobed                               and swollen.
              lung are on the left side.                               ____________________

                                                                 Fact File
            Help Box
                                                                 Narcolepsy  is  a sleep  disorder that  impairs  the
             pica, situs inversus, trigger finger, black hairy   patient’s ability to stay awake during the day.
             tongue, progeria, acral peeling skin syndrome

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