Page 26 - Computer - 7
P. 26
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. To remove filter conditions from the column, click the Clear button in the _________ group on
the Data tab.
2. _________ helps you filter data in a cell range based on specific conditions.
3. To apply conditional formatting, select the cell range and click the Conditional Formatting button
in the _________ group on the Home tab.
4. Flash Fill works only on _________ data.
5. The _________ lets you copy formatting from a cell to another cell.
C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.
1. You can sort data in a worksheet using one column only. _______
2. You can filter data on the basis of background colour of the cells. _______
3. Once you have filtered data in a cell range, you can clear a filter to redisplay all
the data. _______
4. You can apply multiple conditional formatting on a cell range. _______
5. Conditional formatting makes it easy to highlight certain values. _______
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is Flash Fill feature? How does it work?
2. What do you mean by sorting data? Write the steps to sort data on multiple columns in a
3. What is the use of Filter feature in Excel? Write the steps to filter data on the basis of specific
values in a cell range.
4. What is Custom filter? Write the steps to apply Custom filter on data in a selected cell range.
5. What is conditional formatting? Write the steps to remove conditional formatting applied to
Logical Thinking
Mind Stretching
1. The teacher has alloted the usernames to the students of class VII to access the computers in the
lab. The username is in the form of ‘Firstname.RollNo.class7’. The given worksheet displays the
First name and Roll No of each student. Which feature of Excel you would use to fill the respective
usernames for the students quickly?