Page 82 - Computer - 4
P. 82

5.  Write the function of the following blocks:

                      (a)                              _________________________________________

                      (b)                              _________________________________________

                      (c)                              _______________________________________

                      (d)                              _______________________________________

                      (e)                              _______________________________________

            Mind Stretching

           1.  Write the values required to draw the polygon mentioned in the table given
                below.                                                                             Computational Skills

                      Name of              Number of            Value for Repeat               Angle of
                       Polygon                Sides                     block                     Turn

                    Triangle                                                                      120

                    Square                                                 4

                    Hexagon                                                6

                    Octagon                                                                        45

           2.  Mohika wants to draw a rectangle using the Cat sprite on the Stage. She wants
                to add an image of the sprite at each corner of the rectangle. Which block in
                Scratch 3 will help her do so?                                                         Logical Thinking

              Lab Work
                                                                                                         Creative Skills

                Create projects in Scratch 3 to draw the following figures.

              (a) Hexagon (side 150, blue colour)                 (b) Octagon  (side 80, red colour)

              (c)  Rhombus (side 100, green colour

            DISCUSS                                                                                Communication Skills
             Can the Repeat block be used to draw non-regular polygons? Discuss with your classmates
             and try to figure out how to draw non-regular polygons.

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