Page 51 - Code & Click - 8
P. 51

            Images make a web page more informative and attractive. An image can be in
            the form of a graphic, clip art, photograph, or any other visual object.
            The image file formats supported by most web browsers are JPEG, GIF, and PNG.

            Image <img> Tag
            The Image <img> tag is used to insert images in a web page. It is an empty tag.
            The attributes of the <img> tag are described in the table given below.

              Attribute             Description                    Value(s)                    Example
             src          Specifies  the  name  of  the  URL of the image file       <img src= “computer.jpg”>
                          image file
             alt          Specifies an alternate text for  text                      <img src= “computer.jpg”
                          the  image  that  is  displayed  if                        alt=”Computer”>
                          the image is not displayed
             width        Specifies the width of            value in pixels          <img src= “computer.jpg”
                          the image                                                  width=100>

             height       Specifies the height of           value in pixels          <img src= “computer.jpg”
                          the image                                                  height=”200”>
            You can also position images as required on a web page, add borders and margins to them, and
            control their appearance by using the CSS rules.
            The CSS property float lets you float an image to the right or left of text. It takes two values – right
            and left.
                                                                                                 Experiential Learning
              Lab Activity 7
             To display a web page with images.
              1.  Open Notepad and create the HTML document as shown below.

                   <!DOCTYPE html>                                  2.  Open the HTML document in
                   <head> <title> Planets in Solar System </title> </    Microsoft Edge.
                   <style type = “text/css”>
                   img {border: 3px solid blue; width: 200px; height:
                   h3 {color: blue; text-align: center; font-size:
                   p {color: green; font-family: Calibri; font-size:
                   <h3> The Planets </h3>
                   <p> A planet is a large, rounded astronomical body
                   made of rocks and gases. The Solar System has eight
                   planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
                   Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. </p>
                   <p> The first four planets are made of rocks and are
                   called Terrestrial planets. </p>
                   <img src=“Mercury1.jpg” alt=“Planet Mercury”>
                   <img src=“Venus.jpg” alt=“Planet Venus”>
                   <img src=“Earth.jpg” alt=“Planet Earth”>
                   <img src=“Mars.jpg” alt=“Planet Mars”>

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