Page 49 - Code & Click - 8
P. 49

Property                Description                  Value(s)                  Example

             list-style-        Lets you specify the position  inside                 list-style-position: inside
             position           of the list item marker         outside               list-style-position: outside

             list-style         Lets  you  specify  all  list  list-style-type        list-style: upper-alpha
                                properties in one  declaration. list-style-position   inside

             Knowledge Discovery                                                                 Subject Enrichment

             To start a numbered list with a number other than ‘1’, add the start attribute to the <ol> tag. For example,
             to start a numbered list with number ‘5’, specify the tag as <ol start = 5>.

                                                                                                 Experiential Learning
              Lab Activity 4
             To create an ordered list.
              1.  Open Notepad and create the HTML document as shown below.

                   <!DOCTYPE html>
                   <html>                                    2.  Open the HTML document in Microsoft Edge.
                   <head> <title> Ordered List </title> </head>
                   <style type= “text/css”>
                   ol {list-style-position: outside; list-style-
                   type: decimal}
                   h1 {font-family: Courier New; color: green;
                   text-align: left; font-size: xx-large}
                   li {font-family: Calibri; color: blue; font-
                   size: x-large}
                   <h1> Steps to Develop an App </h1>
                       <li> Defining the App </li>
                       <li> Research </li>
                       <li> Creating a Prototype </li>
                       <li> Technical Feasibility Study </li>
                       <li> Developing the App </li>
                       <li> Testing and Debugging </li>
                       <li> Publishing the App </li>

            A Description list is a list of terms along with a description of each term. Description lists are used for
            preparing online catalogues, dictionaries, and glossaries of terms.

            Description List Tag <dl>...</dl>

            The <dl> and </dl> tags are used to create a description list. Each item in a description list consists of
            two parts: a term and a description. A term is specified within <dt> and </dt> tags, and its description
            is specified within <dd> and </dd> tags.

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