Page 101 - Code & Click - 7
P. 101
Native apps are installed on the device and are accessed through the home screen of the device.
A Web app is accessed via a web browser over a network such as the Internet.
A Hybrid app is a combination of a native app and a web app.
Some common categories of apps are – Educational, Office, Gaming, Music, Video, Social
Media, E-reading, Picture and Photography, Financial, Online shopping, and Utility.
Apps are downloaded and installed on a device through a marketplace on the Internet.
Info Retention
A. Select the correct option for each of the following statements.
1. Apps present on the device and are accessed through the device home screen are ______.
(a) Native apps (b) Hybrid apps (c) Web apps (d) Home apps
2. Apps that let you carry out day-to-day tasks using your mobile device are ______.
(a) Office apps (b) Utility apps (c) Music apps (d) Helping apps
3. Installed apps on a device can be accessed from its ______.
(a) Settings screen (b) Home screen (c) Lock screen (d) Volume button
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. _________ is the app market place for the iOS devices.
2. Kindle is an example of _________ app.
3. Apps that combine features of both native and web apps are called _________.
C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.
1. You can use an app to stream videos from the Internet. _______
2. Office apps are used to create documents and spreadsheets. _______
3. Apps only work on mobile devices. _______
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the three types of apps? Explain each in brief.
2. Write names of any five categories of apps with one example of each.
3. What is meant by App Development?
Critical Thinking
Mind Stretching
1. Nikhilesh has to attend his friend’s birthday party. But he has never been to the venue of the
birthday party. Name the app that he can use to reach there.
2. Give two examples of each of the following:
(a) Office app (b) E-reading app (c) Navigation app (d) Utility app
Lab Work Creative Skills
Using the Thunkable app maker website, create an app for Android operating system that lets you type
notes. Name the app ‘NoteMaker’. Specify the various options for your app.