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A machine language is a low-level language. It is tedious, difficult, and time consuming to develop
            programs using machine language.

            Second-Generation Programming Language (Assembly Language)
            The Second-generation programming language is  the
            Assembly language. In this language, mnemonic codes
            are used to develop a program. Mnemonic codes are
            short words used for a lengthy set of instructions.
            Programming in  assembly language is  simpler  and
            less time-consuming than programming in machine
            language. It is also easier to locate and correct errors
            in assembly language.

            Assembly language programs are also machine-dependent. An assembly language is also a low-level
            language because detailed knowledge of hardware is still required.
            In order to execute an assembly language program, you need to convert it into an equivalent machine
            language program using an assembler.
            An Assembler is a language processor that converts an
            assembly language program into a machine  language
            program.  Each  instruction  in  assembly  language  is
            usually converted into one machine instruction.

             Knowledge Discovery                                                                 Subject Enrichment

             The program written in any programming language other than machine language is called source code. The
             program in machine language, executed directly by a computer, is called object code.

            Third-Generation Programming Language (High-level Language)

            A Third-generation programming language (3GL) is also known as
            high-level language. It is a programmer-friendly and  structured
            language, similar to the English language.
            High-leveI language programs are machine-independent. Programs
            written for one computer can be executed on another computer.
            Some examples of third-generation programming languages are C,            Third-Generation Languages
            C++, Python, and Java.

            In order to execute a high-level language program, you need to convert it into machine language,
            either by using a compiler or an interpreter. Each high-level language requires its own compiler or

            A  Compiler  is  a  language  processor  that
            converts  a high-level language  program        Source Code     Compiler       Machine         Output
            into  a machine  language program,  in  one
            go. It first scans the entire program and then                    How Compiler Works

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