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Generation     Time        Key
            of Computers Period Technology                    Characteristics of Computers               Examples
             First          1940     Vacuum   •  used magnetic drums for memory.                          ENIAC,

                              to       tubes      •  were huge in size and very expensive.                UNIVAC
                            1956                 •  consumed  large  amount  of  electricity  and
                                                    generated  a lot of heat.
                                                  •  used machine language and could solve only one
                                                    problem at a time.
             Second         1956    Transistors •  used  magnetic  drums  with  magnetic  cores  for        IBM

                              to                   memory.                                                 1401,
                            1963                 •  were the first computers to store instructions in  NCR 304
                                                   their memory.
                                                 •  moved from machine language to assembly language.

             Third          1964    Integrated   •  used  smaller-sized transistors placed  on  silicon   PDP-8,
                              to      circuits     chips, called semiconductors.                         IBM 360
                            1971                 •  used operating  system  for their overall functioning.
                                                 • supported  high-level programming languages.
                                                 •  were capable of running several programs at the
                                                   same time.
                                                 •  became accessible due to much reduced size and

             Fourth         1971   Micropro- •  have thousands  of integrated  circuits built onto a  Desktops,
                              to      cessors      single silicon chip.                                   laptops,
                           Present               •  can be linked together to form networks to share  tablets,
                                                   resources.                                               and
                                                 •  have large storage capacities.                        smart-
                                                 •  can be carried from one place to another  easily.     phones

             Fifth         Present  Artificial  •  can recognise speech and handwriting patterns.       Supercom-
                             and  Intelligence • can recognise images and graphs.                       puters and
                           Beyond                •  are  capable  of  performing  highly complex  Robotics
                                                   calculations at very high speed.
                                                 •  are    capable    of    communicating    with    other
                                                   networked devices.

                             First Generation                                   Second Generation

                 Vacuum Tubes                  ENIAC                    Transistors                NCR 304

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